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Our Mustangs

Born: 2009, Frenchglen, Oregon [range-bred]
Color: Dun
Registered: AMBA, KMA, USDF
Mustang Leadership Partners adopted Amis at the Kiger Auction Adoption at the BLM facility in Burns, Oregon in 2011. Since coming to MLP and working consistently with our trainers, Amis has turned into an incredible horse. Amis has shown at 3rd level in dressage competitions scoring in the 60s.
Amis is currently working in riding and groundwork with the after school program. The girls love his gentle and sweet personality. Amis is an all around a great horse and a great representation of the versatility of the mustang.
Carter Farms Bella [Bella]
Born: May 2002, HMA Callagan, Nevada [range-bred]
Color: Bay
Registered: AMBA, USDF, USEF, WDAA
Bella was adopted in 2003 by Sue Anne Wells. Bella began her riding career and when it became clear that Bella was more suited to lower level riding, a friend of Sue Anne’s purchased her to pursue showing with her. Bella returned to Sue Anne and Mustang Leadership Partners to transition into the partial retirement life of the after school program.
Since returning to Mustang Leadership Partners in 2018, she has thrived with the students. Bella’s kind nature and years of experience make her a valuable asset to the program. She allows our more advanced students to ride independently, patiently stands for new students to learn how to put on a halter, and is always a favorite when it comes to our Halloween painting party.


Born: 2020, Paisley Desert, Oregon [range-bred]
Color: Flaxen Chestnut
Registered: AMBA
Crush is our beautiful flaxen chestnut gelding that was adopted from the BLM as a yearling in April 2021. He is quite playful, and sometimes a bully with his pasture mates but has truly been a pleasure to work with as a MLP horse in training. He is currently going nicely under saddle, and he has even been able to join the MLP program as a ground working horse. He is kind to the students and mostly obedient even if it comes slowly.
Born: 2019, South Steens, OR [range-bred]
Color: Buckskin
Denali was adopted in 2023 by Sue Anne Wells. He came to us and was standoffish at first but has quickly warmed up to us. His personality continues to emerge the more we work with him. He is sweet and quite curious. We are excited to see what he will accomplish in MLP in the future.


Born: April 2013, Paisley Desert, Oregon [range-bred]
Color: Chestnut
Registered: AMBA
Jolene was adopted in April of 2016 and made it to Tennessee on July 4, 2016. Since arriving, she has been a diva. Jolene thinks that she runs the show. She loves attention and will let you know if she isn’t getting enough of it.
With her bright personality and her easy gaits, she is sure to be a great example of what mustangs are capable of doing. We know that she will be a great ambassador for the mustang breed. She is in the process of being integrated into our MLP program.
Just James [James]
Sire: Steens Vaquero
Dame: Palm Beach Breeze
Born: March 2010
Color: Grulla
James is a Kiger mustang that was bred by Mustang Leadership Partners with the goal of preserving the distinct bloodlines carried by his sire. James has a very outgoing personality; he can be a little bit of a pill at times, but he always keeps you laughing. James is an interesting horse to train, he likes to be busy, but he can get bored with repetition. He started in a dressage career but wasn’t patient enough to get through the basics. He learned a lot of neat “tricks” like the Spanish walk and passage, but his heart wasn’t in the work. He now helps our youngsters through their weaning process by being a good friend.


Born: 2009, French Glen, Oregon [range-bred]
Color: Dun
Registered: AMBA, WDAA
Mustang Leadership Partners, during the Kiger Auction Adoption at the BLM facility in Burns, Oregon in 2011, adopted Lily. Little did we know that Lily was pregnant at the time! She was here for only 2 months before she had her beautiful surprise filly, Preta.
After being weaned from her foal, Lily started training with Michelle. If there ever was a horse NOT built for dressage, it is Lil, but with Michelle’s steady and consistent work, Lil has made great progress in her training. While she may never thrive in the show ring, Lily has an amazing talent for something better; she is the best riding horse that we have in the after school program.
Mello Yello
Born: 2021, Paisley Desert, Oregon [range-bred]
Color: Perlino
In 2021, during our visit to Burns, OR, Sue Anne and the trainers saw two freshly born babies in the herd. Mello was spotted laying next to his mother, a beautiful buckskin mare.
Mello can be very inquisitive and silly. He is very sweet, always coming up to the gate to greet us. We hope to start him under saddle soon and look forward to watching him grow.


Born: 2021, South Steens Oregon [range-bred]
Color: Bay
Mesa is a large, drafty gelding who competed in a 90 day training challenge. Within that time spent, he had raving reviews on what a sweet natured, gentle giant he was. Mesa has come to MLP with high hopes of being a fantastic mustang partner for our students.
Born: 2019, Paisley Desert, Oregon [range-bred]
Color: Palomino
Registered: AMBA, USDF, USEF
Paisley was adopted in 2020 and named Paisley as a fond reminder of where he came from. He is going nicely under saddle with hopes of being a dressage horse and an MLP horse. He has been integrated in to the groundwork portion of MLP. He is laid back but also willing to work, a great combination for MLP!


Born: 2021, Paisley Desert, Oregon [range-bred]
Color: Bay Paint
In 2021, during our visit to Burns, OR, Sue Anne and the trainers saw two freshly born babies in the herd. Their attentions were grabbed immediately when they saw the newborn baby with four bright white stockings and they immediately nicknamed her Pippi long stockings.
Pippi is a lively, opinionated mare. We have high hopes that she will have a successful career in dressage due to her willing attitude and strong work ethic.
Born: 2020, South Steens, OR [range-bred]
Color: Chestnut
Registered: AMBA
Riley is a big, stout, chestnut gelding that was adopted as a yearling in April 2021. He is originally from Steens, OR and we picked him out of the holding pens in Burns, OR.
Riley is working with hopes of being a dressage horse and an MLP horse. He has nice big gaits for dressage and a kind, calm temperament for the MLP students, the best of both worlds!

Satin Lady [Satin]

Sire: Kiger's Cherokee Diamond
Dame: Lahanton Lace
Born: June 9, 1999
Color: Grulla
Registered: AMBA, KMA
Satin was previously used as a brood mare and while she was a wonderful mother, her role at MLP switched from being a brood mare to being a quiet and steady horse for the students in the after school program. Satin tends to be a little bit cautious around new people, but once she learns that she can trust you, she is a steady and loyal companion. Satin also appears in the PBS 2009 docudrama “We Shall Remain"
"The horse that has influenced me the most is Satin. I have worked with her quite a bit. She is very patient and teaches me a lot even though she can’t speak” – Arielle
Born: June 2015, Nevada [range-bred]
Color: Chestnut
Registered: AMBA
Strider was adopted as a yearling from the BLM in April of 2016. He made his way to Tennessee in August of the same year. When Strider first arrived at Mustang Leadership Partners, he was very scared of people. However, with a lot of time and patience, he has really come around.
Strider is a curious and silly. He likes to put his nose on everything. He has every marking of being an amazing horse to represent the mustang breed. Strider had his MLP debut in September of 2023.